Jump If
Continue to another adapter if a condition is met. The parameters and their values at the time of the jump will be carried over to the destination adapter.
Parameter: The name of the parameter to check the condition against.
Condition: The logical operator to apply.
Value: The value to check the parameter against.
Destination: The adapter within the same property to continue to if the condition is met.
Example A - Jump to No Access adapter if role is Student.
- Input: Student
- Parameter: role
- Condition: is equal to
- Value: Student
- Destination: No Access
- Result: Jump and continue transaction with No Access adapter
Example B - Jump to Archive adapter if year is not 2017.
- Input: 2017
- Parameter: year
- Condition: is not equal to
- Value: 2017
- Destination: Archive
- Result: Continue transaction with the current adapter
Example C - Jump to Public adapter if username is not present.
- Input: none
- Parameter: username
- Condition: is not equal to
- Value: anything123
- Destination: Public
- Result: Jump and continue transaction with Public adapter