Getting Started

Welcome to Apidapter! 

This article highlights the following topics:

  1. Signing up for an Apidapter account
  2. Creating a new organization
  3. Creating a new property
  4. Creating a new adapter
  5. Running a transaction
  6. Viewing the transaction log


1. Sign Up

Sign up for an account. Once you've verified your email address, return to this guide. Pro tip: Make sure to check your spam folder in case your verification email ends up in there.


2. Create an organization

Once you're logged in, you can create an organization by clicking New organization. Give your organization a name and click Submit.



3. Create a property

Once you've created an organization, you should create a new property. Click New Property from the organization page. 



We encourage users to create a property within your organization to hold non-production adapters for use with learning and testing. You may with to title your new property something like "My Test Property". Give your new property a name, then click Submit.



After clicking Submit, you will be taken to your property page.



4. Create an adapter

Click New Adapter from the Property page. Give your new adapter a name and a brief description, then click Submit.



After clicking Submit, you will be taken to the Build page for your new adapter.



We will come back to this adapter in another article, but for now, click on Done to go back to your adapter page.



5. Run transaction

Now it's time to see what happens when your adapter receives a request. See that URL on the adapter page?



Grab that URL and paste it into the field below and click Run.

car: color:


All you'll see in the new window is a message about debug mode. Go ahead and close it for now.


6. View transaction log

Refresh the adapter page and you'll see that there's a transaction listed in the log. Click on the transaction to view its log entry. 



On the Transaction Log page, you should see something that looks like this:



There you have it - you've created your first adapter. We recommend using this adapter for any testing, training, or configuration. 

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