Apidapter has an ever growing list of adapter components to handle incoming requests, manipulate parameters and their data, and send response. They include:
Body Components
- Change Case: Lowers or uppercases all the characters of a parameter's value.
- Check Apidapter SSO: Verifies the signature based on the Apidapter authenticated protocol.
- Concatenate: Join two parameter values together into a third parameter.
- Conditional Set: Set the value of a parameter if a condition is met.
- Convert: Transform the value of a parameter into another format.
- Copy: Duplicates the value of a one parameter and puts it in another.
- Jump If: Continue with another adapter if a condition is met.
- Keep: Removes all but the listed parameter(s).
- LDAP Authenticator: Looks up a user and password combination against an LDAP server.
- Math: Perform a mathematical operation upon two parameter values.
- Prepend Append: Add static value(s) to the beginning and/or end of a parameter's value.
- Regex Substitution: Match and replace parts of a parameter value.
- Remove: Removes the listed parameter(s).
- Require: Imposes that a particular parameter(s) exists.
- Set: Assigns a value to a parameter.
- Sign Apidapter SSO: Generates a signature based on the Apidapter authenticated protocol.
End-point Components
Request Handlers Types
- Auto: Accepts GET or POST requests.
- CAS: Accepts a CAS ticket.
- GET: Accepts GET requests.
- Jump To or Error: Accepts requests solely from other adapters.
- LTI 1.1*: Accepts Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI 1.1) standard requests.
- LTI 1.3: Accepts Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI 1.3) standard requests.
- POST: Accepts POST requests.
- SAML2: Accepts an Identity Provider response.
- Shibboleth: Accepts an Identity Provider response.
You can learn more about GET and POST here and LTI here.
Response Handler Types
- LTI 1.1*: Generate a response using the Learning Tool Interoperability (LTI 1.1) standard.
- LTI 1.3: Generate a response using the Learning Tool Interoperability (LTI 1.3) standard.
- POST: Continue to a URL passing parameters as a POST.
- Redirect: Continue to a URL passing parameters as a GET.
*Please note: IMS Global support for LTI 1.1 operability ended as of June 30, 2022. Apidapter support for LTI 1.1 operability is scheduled to end at the end of 2023.
If you do not see the end-points or logical components that will enable your application, write us and we can talk about how to introduce them.