*Please note: IMS Global support for LTI 1.1 operability ended as of June 30, 2022. Apidapter support for LTI 1.1 operability is scheduled to end at the end of 2023.
Once you've created a new organization and property, you can begin to build your new adapter. To begin, navigate to a property within an organization. Once at the Property page, click on New adapter.
On the resulting page, enter a name and description for this adapter. Since many clients create several adapters, we recommend that your description be brief but informative, like the one below. When you're ready to move forward, click Submit.
On the resulting page, you should see the Build area for your adapter. New adapters begin with two (2) components, a Request (incoming) Handler and a Response (outgoing) Type. You can change these end-points by clicking on them.
Click on the Auto GET/POST handler component. On the resulting page, you will see a drop-down list where you can select the handler type.
Within the LTI 1.1 handler, enter a key and secret. This is the key and secret that will be shared between your system and Apidapter. Based on our example above, this key and secret would be shared between Canvas and Apidapter. The key and secret are user-generated, so make sure you select values that are secure. We recommend using a random password generator to create the secret. See our example below. Note: Do not use special characters.
Click Save. You will be directed back to the adapter Build page. You should see an adapter that now has a component called LTI 1.1 handler.
Take note of the green button between the two components in your new adapter. You can insert any number of additional components within this adapter. The following are the component options; each option is described in a separate article:
- Change case
- Check Apidapter SSO
- Concatenate
- Conditional set
- Convert
- Copy
- Jump if
- Keep
- LDAP authenticator
- Math
- Prepend append
- Regex substitute
- Remove
- Require
- Set
- Sign Apidapter SSO
To insert a new component, click the Green Plus Button, select the type of component, enter the desired parameters, and hit Save.
Once you have added the desired component and click Save, you will be directed back to the Build page where you should see the additional component:
You can return to Edit the component by clicking on it again. It can be removed by pressing the down arrow to the right of the component button and hitting Delete.
Note: Adapters process transactions sequentially. Therefore, the ordering of components matters in the overall transformation. For example, if you intend to use the user ID to create an email address, but want to maintain the user ID value in addition to the new email, you would need to be sure to first add a Copy component to the adapter to copy the value of user_id into email_address and then add a Prepend Append component to add the @domain to the email_address. Your adapter would look something like this:
This setup will ensure the correct order of operations within the adapter. If you find that you added a component in the wrong position, you will need to recreate the component in the correct position and then delete the erroneous component.
When you're finished building your adapter click Done to the right of the adapter name. Remember to take your adapter out of debug mode when you are ready to start passing transactions on to the destination end-point.