Conditional Set
Set the value of a parameter if a condition is met. If the parameter to be set exists, it will overwrite the existing value. If not the parameter will be created with given value.
Parameter to check: The name of the parameter to check the condition against.
Condition: The logical operator to apply.
Value to check: The value to check the parameter against.
Parameter to set: The name of the parameter to be set.
Value to set: The value to set the parameter to.
Example A - Set access to false if role is Student.
- Input: Student
- Parameter to check: role
- Condition: is equal to
- Value to check: Student
- Parameter to set: access
- Value to set: false
- Result: Set access to false
Example B - Set archive to true if year is not 2017.
- Input: 2016
- Parameter to check: year
- Condition: is not equal to
- Value to check: 2017
- Parameter to set: archive
- Value to set: true
- Result: Set archive to true
Example C - Set public to true if username is not present.
- Input: none
- Parameter to check: username
- Condition: is not equal to
- Value to check: anything123
- Parameter to set: public
- Value to set: true
- Result: Set public to true